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Blog administrat de Horia Gârbea. Autorul, născut la 10 august 1962, e bucureştean, inginer constructor, profesor universitar. E căsătorit cu Ruxandra, are copilul Tudor (8.12.2006). A publicat numeroase volume de inginerie şi literatură. I s-au jucat piese originale şi traduceri din dramaturgia universală.

marți, 11 ianuarie 2011


Horia Gârbea

Born 10 August 1962 in Bucharest, Romania. Civil engineer, PhD graduated from 1999. He is teaching as professor at the Environmental Engineering Faculty from Bucharest.
Many literary books published after Romanian Revolution (1989): poems, short stories, two novels, criticism and 14 plays of theatre. He translated also into Romanian many plays by: Jacques Copi, Pierre Corneille, S.I.Witkiewicz, Fernando Arrabal, A.P.Cehov, N. Machiavelli, Dario Fo, Eduardo de Filippo, Tennessee Williams, Marivaux, Normand Chaurette, Arthur Kopit etc.
He got many literary prizes including Writers Union Award - The Book of the Year for drama – 1999 and The Romanian Academy Award for drama in 2001. Many of his works were translated into European languages (English, French, Hungarian, Serbian, German, Slovak etc) and into Vietnamese language.
He published a lot of permanent columns for literary magazines and newspapers. Works for TV (sitcoms and entertainment shows). He is the President of Writers Association of Bucharest, part of Writers Union of Romania, from 2003. He is working also for Luceafarul de Dimineaţă, weekly litterary magazin from Bucharest, and has a well known column of cristicism in the magazin Financial Week.

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